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Argent Land for Sale in Bharatpur-25   

Nepal, Pradesh3, Chitwan
Last update 7 months ago
ID #1656
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Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
Argent Land for Sale in Bharatpur-25
Nepal, Pradesh3, Chitwan,
Modified 7 months ago


This Land is located in Bharatpur-25, Shukrangar-4, Chitwan and 19 Km distance from Narayangadh . This land area is covered by 5 Katha including house and one Poultry farm and total Purchasing price of 5 Katha is 28500000 crore(Negotiable) . This Land is directly connected with Bharatpur - Megauli highway with 22 feet pitched road and used as a Agricultural and residential purposes.

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Area in haat or aana: 53.5
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    Registered on 7. Dec 2023
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    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on December 7, 2023

    Listing location

    Nepal, Pradesh3, Chitwan
    Shukrangar-4, Ratapur

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